Monday, February 13, 2012

PETA Can Suck a Dick, But Won't...Because It's Meat

So PETA came out with a new ad and, like most of their ads, it does little to help the widdle animals and just makes them look even more like assholes. In this new ad, there's a chick walking down the street in a neck brace, wearing a jacket and carrying a bag of vegetables or some shit. The chick looks torn the fuck up and, in a little flashback sequence, they show her getting furiously fucked into a wall or something. So the message is that Vegans do it better, but it just looks like vegans are more rapey and will hump you unconscious into a wall.

I have never been a PETA fan, I actually can't fucking stand these people and they're just a group of assholes trying to force their lifestyle on others, a lot like crazy religious fanatics and other like-minded dickheads. They like to do these ads where they get people talking and stir up some controversy, supposedly in the name of saving animals from getting chowed down on, but really these people are just preachy assholes, no better than the fuckholes that say gays are going to hell and every other thing we do is a sin sending us all to hell. This new ad of PETA's, while extremely messed up with it's rape and domestic violence quality, isn't as bad as the ad that really got me hating these root-munchers.
Tim McLean, murder victim used by PETA to further their Vegan agenda
 Back in 2008, Tim McLean was on a Greyhound bus heading home from the fair where he worked as a carnie in Alberta, Canada when he was brutally attacked, butchered, beheaded and partially eaten by a psycho named Vince Weiguang Li. It was a vicious and truly horrific crime of a totally shitfucked mind because if you can just randomly stab and slice a person up then eat them, you're obviously fucked in the head. The story of Tim McLean bothered the shit out of me for the longest time, I could not get it out of my head. Such a random, out of no where attack on a young man just trying to get home.
Well, I guess PETA decided, "Hey, we can use this terrible tragedy to our advantage," and decided to run a new ad...
They compared this man's murder to whatever the fuck they do to animals when they slaughter them. I like animals and everything, but the ones we eat are fucking delicious and I don't value animals over human life. Well, unless it's a shitty human, then all bets are off, 'cause I totally value a cow, even a cow pie, over Ryan Brunn or Josh Powell.
I understand wanting to help animals and promote maybe a more healthy way of eating sans animal fat, but how are PETA's messages in anyway helping their cause when they completely turn people off? Making a mockery of a murder or using the image of a chick that looks like she just got beaten and raped doesn't make me want to go vegan. It pisses me off to the point that I'd rather eat a bucketful of fried chicken and a shitload of Jack In The Box just to stick it to PETA. So what PETA is really doing is making people eat more animals. They are doing more harm than good with these PETArded ads of theirs. Being self-righteous pricks pushing their ideals on the rest of us is going to cost those delicious chickens, baby cows and smokey little piggies dearly.
I'm totally craving a burger, gonna have to hit up Paula Deen, anyone wanna join us?


  1. Do you think Vegans suck dick? And if they do, do they swallow? Wouldn't that be a big no no since they're ingesting something that came from a living being, like milk from a cow? Have you ever thought about how swallowing is like cannibalism?

  2. Holy shit batman. I didn't know that this is what the ad was about. I think that Peta for any good they might do - they ruin it for me because of their gorilla tactics.
