Aliayah Lunsford |
About two weeks back, Lena Lunsford, the mother of missing
toddler, Aliayah Lunsford, was finally sentenced for her welfare fraud case.
She had plead guilty back in January to the fraud charges, which she earned
herself by selling $114.82 of foodstamp benefits, meant to feed her soccer team
worth of kids, for $50 cash. Lena is currently out on bond, but she’ll be
headed to prison on June 28th to serve an 8-month sentence, followed
by a year of probation once she’s released. I don’t see Lena Lunsford’s sentence
as a victory really, but her going to prison pleases me even if it doesn’t
satisfy the need to see her held responsible for her daughter’s
disappearance. While I am glad to see
her ass tossed behind bars, it brings us no closer to finding Aliayah or
getting her justice.
Lisa Irwin |
It’s been over 8 months now (whoa, a little coincidental
with Lena’s sentence) since Aliayah Lunsford went missing. It feels so much
longer than that though. All these children who have gone missing, Aliayah
since September, Lisa Irwin since October, Sky Metalwala since November, Ayla
Reynolds since December…and these are only the ones that were fortunate enough to
make headlines across the nation. There are so many others, ones we will never
even hear about, never know of, but that still need our attention so that these
kids can be found, one way or another. I bring these cases up because, yeah, it’s
only been months since they’ve been missing, but it seems like it’s been so
much longer and for the loved ones of these kids, the ones who actual care
about them, it has to feel like an eternity.
So what the fuck is going on? Why are all these children vanishing
or possibly being hurt or killed and their deaths covered up by parents that
don’t want to face the consequences of what they did or what they let happen?
Because I don’t give a shit whether the parent or guardian did the harming themselves
or someone else they knew did, it all comes down to shitty parents not giving a
shit about their children. Being so fucking selfish and seeing these kids they
brought into the world as a burden and brushing the duty to be a good parent
off to have a good time or do what they want to do. That’s all these kids have
become to these people, is a responsibility they don’t want, but are stuck
with. So they do their own thing and something happens that causes a new case
of a missing child to hit the news. Like Deborah Bradley’s “adult time” that
may have led to Baby Lisa’s accidental death that was covered up in a panic to
avoid charges and called a kidnapping by her dumbfuck parents. Just a highly
likely scenario, no one know what really happened except Dumpy Deb and her
nutless babymaker, Jeremy Irwin.
Sky Metalwala |
How do we stop this or how do we send a message to people
that just seem to be getting away with shady shit? All the adults involved in
these cases are suspicious as hell, but there’s nothing solid to get them
charged. Not when it comes to the actual child. But what about the
circumstances around these supposed disappearances? Deborah Bradley says she
was shitfaced and blacked out and that’s by her own admission, but could be a
lie to further cover for herself. Shouldn’t
that earn her a child endangerment or neglect charge while they work on the
real case of missing baby Lisa? Julia Biryukova, the mother of missing toddler
Sky Metalwala, lied to police about running out of gas and walked around
aimlessly for an hour before returning to her perfectly well running car,
claiming Sky had been left sleeping in his carseat and someone must have
snatched him. I’m sure there are charges they can lay on this selfish piece of
shit, who didn’t even bother to show up for custody hearings regarding her
daughter. What about Justin DiPietro or his many ass-covering allies? There has
to be some obvious wrongs going on in this mix of liars that can get them
charged while the search to find Ayla continues.
Ayla Reynolds |
There has to be
something that can be done to put the pressure on these assholes that care so
little about their children, but love themselves so much they put their
happiness ahead of their child’s well-being. They need to made examples of, so
people stop pulling this bullshit and thinking they can get away with it,
because these skeezy fucks are getting away with it. Children are being failed
left and right, they’re not getting justice and people who know the truth about
what really happened are just free to go about their business, freer than they
were before because now there’s no pesky brat to take care of. They basically
get exactly what they wanted, with a little loathing from the enraged public,
but they still get to be the selfish bastards they always were, and it is
fucking infuriating. I’ve seen comments made around the web that mock people
for being outraged that Casey Anthony got to walk because how Caylee died wasn’t
proven, yada yada yada. Blah blah blah, couldn’t prove it, why is everyone so
upset, just being general pricks about it. The reason it pisses people off, why
it’s devastating and people get wrapped up in this shit, is because the victim
is a defenseless child. A child who won’t get justice and suffered unimaginable
terror in their last moments. A child failed because a selfish adult that was
responsible for taking care of them, was supposed to love them and make them
safe, did anything but what they were supposed to.
It is only natural to feel outrage at a child “going missing”
or being murdered and feeling there is no justice for this victim that never
got to grow up or know happiness in their short lives. If you don’t feel
anything or can’t understand why anyone would be angry at a child being failed,
than you’re probably the same kind of self-centered as these faux-parents, so
it doesn’t make sense to you why anyone would give a shit about a child that
isn’t even their own. For the rest of us, we get that you, like those bad parents,
are sociopathic chodes, so you can eat a crusty and diseased dick. The last of
those who actually give a shit about others want justice for these kids, want
the people responsible held accountable and punished. Wouldn’t you want that if
it were your own child? Wouldn’t you want other people rooting for justice if
it were a child you loved? Something has to happen to keep kids safe and teach
shit containers they can’t get away with this crap…but where do we start and
how do we make it happen?