Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Paula Deen Has Diabetes!!! No Effin' Way!

                It's true, she's a Type 2 Diabetic... she's known it for 3 years!

   And she's planning on making you one too!  Look out! You got some Type 2 Diabetes on your lip!


  1. Hey ya'll, Southern Food makes you fat and you lose your limbs to Dia-beeties...I need to deep fry my comment and smother it in gravy and bacon...but I'm afraid...'cause I don't want Mecede to eat it....

  2. Hell, she was on Dr. Oz a couple of months ago talking about this. He challenged her to make a traditional fried chicken meal healthier - which she did and, of course, said it tasted just as good - but it seems she isn't interested in eating for her medical condition. I guess when she loses a limb or two she'll reconsider.

    1. I doubt a healthy fried chicken "re-make" is gonna taste anything like REAL fried chicken. I know a few people who LOVE fried chicken, and when I say love, I mean that they would totally be okay with losing a leg over a chicken wing...

    2. OK, well technically the chicken was baked and not fried. It had the same texture, but none of the grease. I'm not a chicken (or turkey) fan, so it wouldn't make a difference to me.

  3. You don't like Turkey?!?!?! You, JIVE TURKEY! :P
