Brianna Mariah Lopez |
Even though it's been almost a decade since this beautiful baby passed away, the story of what led to Brianna's death is still a hard one to read, write and even think about...but it's a story that should never ever be forgotten.
Born premature on February 14, 2002, Baby Brianna's little life would be cut short by abuse so horrible that a more accurate word for it would be torture. When she was admitted into the hospital, her tiny body was covered in adult sized bite marks, bruises, there injuries to her genitals and anal area and skull fractures. She had bleeding on the brain, two rib fractures, bucket handle fractures on both thigh bones and another fracture on her left arm caused by having her small limbs twisted, yanked and pulled. Some of these were old injuries, some of them fresh, but all of them were the sick and twisted proof of how this innocent child had lived in constant pain for the entire 5 months she was alive.

When you hear a story of a child with so many injuries and see these images, so much trauma to her body, so young that it's impossible she could have done this to herself, you immediately wonder, "Why?" Why would anyone hurt a child, any child, like this? What in this precious child's face did some sick fuck see that made them want to harm her in any way? There is no justifiable answer. Only a sick, inhuman, unfeeling mutated and diseased puddle of shit reeking sludge would ever do something like this. And that takes us to the question after the why. "Who the fuck did this to her?" In this day and age it's probably not surprising to learn that it was her own mother, Stephanie Lopez, her father, Andrew Walters, and her uncle, Steven Lopez.
Stephanie Lopez, Incubator and Abuse Spectator |
Steven Lopez, Baby Rapist and Murderer |
Andrew Walters, Sperm Donor, Baby Rapist and Murderer |
They violently brutalized this baby, this completely defenseless child, with zero remorse. Not only did they beat this child, literally to death in the end, but they also sexually abused her. For these unforgivable and disgusting crimes against a 5 month old, her father got 57 years and her uncle got 51. Her mother, the woman who carried her inside of her, felt every flutter of movement, every kick and went through the pain of labor to bring her into this world only to allow unimaginable agony to be inflicted upon her, only got 27. You know why? Because a jury decided she didn't actually participate in the abuse, just watched it happen. Watching it happen and letting it go on is the EXACT SAME THING AS DOING IT YOURSELF. Which leads me to the other members of this sick family of soulless monsters in human costumes....
Brianna's own grandmother, Patricia Walters, and another uncle, Robert Walters Jr, knew all about the disgusting abuse, but did absolutely nothing to put an end to it...And that makes them as guilty as the mother, the father and the other uncle. Grandma and uncle would only get 60 days though, for sitting idly by and letting a baby, A BABY, get tortured to death. With a phone call they could have saved this child's life, just a phone call, but being inhuman pieces of shit, they did nothing and after those 60 days life goes on for them. I don't wonder how they can live with themselves, knowing what utterly despicable wastes of flesh they are, instead I hope that they are haunted by the memory of a life they helped destroyed. I hope that their are people that don't let them forget what they helped do to this baby and I hope they never know peace, that in the back of their minds, Baby Brianna is always there. Even if they try to push her from memory, I imagine that the harder they try the more Brianna sticks around in their mind, because it's impossible to forget that you are a baby killer, whether you killed her with your own hands or watched her be murdered. For the ones who put their hands on that child, I wish for so much worse.
This story breaks my heart, I have cried for this child, a child I never knew, never held, didn't carry to term, a child that wasn't mine, but that I wish would have been allowed to live. Baby Brianna deserved to live. To grow up. To experience life. This precious child was robbed and the world that she could have done great things in with her life was robbed of her. Through her tragic and senseless death though, Brianna's story brings light to, and gives a face to, the small and often voiceless victims of child abuse. Briana could not speak up for or defend herself, so it's up to the rest of us left behind in this often cruel world to speak up, to defend and to save these children.
My hope is that Baby Brianna is never forgotten, that people always remember her story, and that they share it. It is story that hurts your heart, but it's one everyone should know. She would have been 10 this year, let's celebrate that by remembering her story and if we are ever in the position of being able to save a child's life, to save them from the pain of abuse and neglect, that we act. That we give her and children like her our voices and spare them the same tragedy.
I'm glad you didn't write all the details that happened to her because I don't think I could have stomached it tonite. I still think about Baby Brianna. I know I will never forget her story. How her family violated her in life and then beyond the grave as well. She's not my number one heartbreaking story though, I think Baby Peter will always be my number one.
ReplyDeleteR u serious!!! U A S S H O L E!!! Ur actually rating them based on which one is the worst...U people r sicker then the abusers are!!! White people, u got to loathe them, right!!!!
DeleteI couldn't even look at the pictures - way too painful. Thank you for remembering her and reminding all of us. Well said and beautifully written Boo.
ReplyDeleteThis was beautiful. I'm LuvsHorror, by the way. Beautiful, touching writing.
ReplyDeleteI too still can not forget I have just read a baby boy in Townsville Australia died of the same type of injuries another decade , another country, another sick mongrel , another innocent baby is tortured and loses their life for some sick perverts lust and anger when will it end
ReplyDeleteMarch 18, 2012, 8:44 pm
Officers from the Townsville Child Protection and Investigation Unit have charged a 32-year-old Pacific Pines man with murder, rape, torture and grievous bodily harm.
The charges stem from an investigation into the suspicious death of a 15-month-old male infant in Townsville on April 16, 2011.
The man is due to appear in the Southport Magistrates Court on March 19
I don't think I will ever get over this. I also never knew baby Brianna, but the more I learn and read and think about her, the more destroyed I feel. I just can't believe it. I wish I could take it all away, all the pain. I would have loved this precious baby. It's just not fair. I just wish I knew why God allowed this to happen to her. I'm crying uncontrollably as I write this because I feel for this poor baby as I would for my own baby girl. I cannot fathom what kind of sick demented thoughts have to cross your mind in order to do what these MONSTERS did to Brianna. I read her story a few days ago and I have cried at least once very day since then.
ReplyDeleteI feel helpless because there is nothing that I can do to reverse this. It's done and this child is gone forever. I feel like I can't come to terms with that and be okay with it. I want so badly to hold this child in my arms and rock her, sing to her, and kiss her on the forehead, the same as I do with my own daughter.
She deserved so much better than what she got in her short life. I can only hope and pray that God will punish her offenders as he will and that Brianna is looking down at us all from Heaven and smiling at us because she is no longer in pain, no longer suffering, but happy and at peace with the Lord.
Rest in peace sweet baby and know that anyone would have loved you the way you should have been loved and that you will never be forgotten. I love you, Brianna. <3
I'm crying while reading your comment, It's sad for people to do that to innocent people who did nothing to deserve it. If I was there, I would tell the police, or someone who would help her live a longer happier life. Rest In Peace Brianna
DeleteI. Can't. Stop reading about this case it sick ins me an I want to do something to help her yet I know I can't I want to know who knew these sick as people an how they probably camouflage their demented ways how did this discusting people find each other an say hey let's. Harm an destroy our daughter /niece . I'm sur ching for answers I can't find an won't make a difference . What scares me is. How many do this an get away with it it makes me fear. For my neighbors my grand children future lord. Jesus. Take this sick feeling away from me its haunting my soul to knoe tbis happened an is happening an i xant change it an help me to find any way to help others who are. Being mistreated .
ReplyDeleteFuck that baby. Brianna got everything she deserved. You people don't know what happened. She was probably an annoying brat that couldn't stop crying. Glad her parents beat her ass the way they did. Good Riddance.
ReplyDeleteAre you serious? Did I just read that right??? A helpless, tiny, unable to speak little blessing of life deserved to be violated and beat? I don't know what pain lurks in the depths of your soul to have such a hardened heart that something as disgusting and despicable translates in your mind that she deserved this…? Hey dumbass, babies cry and my guess is that 100% of the population knows that… But hey, I know how I can get that to stop...lets beat her and rape her and throw this tiny human...that will solve the problem. I hope someone finds you in a dark alley and does everything to you that was done to this little girl and hopefully your outcome will be the same as hers so this world can be rid of the chance of you and your depraved mind doing this to some other helpless child! God have mercy on your soul!
DeleteYou are probably one of those people that does that to helpless baby's. You to will join them in hell.
DeleteAnd stop crying like bitches, goddamn...
ReplyDeleteYou are an evil, evil, evil, evil, times evil disgusting son of the devil if you should have one. I wish you would say to my face what you just posted on here on June 20, 2014 you piece of trash son of the devil. I'm just guessing you look like the devil with horns, and fire comes out of your mouth just like the utter trash that just came out of it. I hope your not a parent and you don't bring no children into the world or otherwise they will be just like you, EVIL, EVIL, EVIL, EVIL, can you spell EVIL?????????????????? May you rot in hell with the rest of the devils who raped, beat, tortured, abused that innocent baby unless you are one of the ones who were involved or kin to the them you piece of trash and scum.
DeleteBurn in hell you piece of SHIT. Bless your heart baby Brianna will live forever. We love you baby girl and may God bring justiceto anyone who hurts a baby. I have a six month old baby girl and i will never hurt her for crying get real dude baby's cry that's how they tell us what's wrong. But there is a place for people like you it's hell.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteI love how they didn't even call this sick fucking bitch a mother...Please someone kill her...please..she is up for parole on good behavior after serving 15 yrs...I can not stop crying!!...
ReplyDeleteThe uncle that sat by and did nothing has passed away.
ReplyDeletegood..couldnt of happened to a better person. he couldve saved her.