JSTL, you're pathetic., Deal with.... |
Let's all stop the traffic we're giving to JuststoptheLies...NOW. Besides her being too easy to call out and cyber-smack because of her lack of intelligence, and unoriginality...We have now seen the point of that bad joke of a blog, and it's not to bring justice to Ayla Reynolds. The freak show known as JSTL is there to play games, disrespect Ayla, spread lies, and deflect any negative information about Justin Dipietro and his mongrel family onto Trista Reynolds, Ayla's Mother,....I personally can't wait to see how it back fires on the sad pathetic clown who writes the blather over there.
Obscures creepiness spills over into her daily life... |
Answers For Ayla and
Justice For Ayla have posted really great info on just what is going on....Let me say that not only do these blogs impress me, but they are written with heart and love for Ayla. That's something that Lies/Obscure cannot ever say about the senseless ramblings she posts. Boo and I have supported finding a live Ayla, bringing her justice and showing those who read here just what the paternal side of the family has done from the time Ayla was in their care, up to now....and it's not looking good for those bastards. I see this case as pure common sense, like many others do. JSTL rants about made up shit, bashes Trista, and Tori (two women she says she doesn't know), and defends the people who know what happened to Ayla. . There's so much wrong with the Dips and how Ayla was injured in their care, the blood, lies and bullshit is so overwhelming that this Lies blog cannot be anything but propaganda; a ploy to fuck up evidence and gather info for the Dips defense. Don't go there...if you give a shit about Ayla, and you care at all about having the fucks who are lying about her disappearance pay for what they've done, then boycott JSTL. I like a good shit tossing cyber-scrap as much as the next chick, but I would rather see those responsible for Ayla's "demise" in handcuffs, then them getting off on some bullshit technicality or whatever their bottom-feeding attorneys (who fancy themselves cyber-sleuths) have planned...
I personally would love to hear why Ayla's blood was in Justin's basement bedroom....Let's see if that will ever be answered.
Great post. If people stopped giving Lies traffic, she would just be sitting there talking to herself. Frankly, she and her blog is a waste of bandwidth.
ReplyDeleteI agree that slowing down the amount of traffic to this blog would probably help make it go away. And yet, when someone practically orders me off something, I get a little suspicious.
ReplyDeleteThen go there and read all that vile crap and if you don't agree with shannie and boo stay there.
ReplyDeleteNever been to the site .. By the sounds of it .. I will not start now.. I have been to answers for Ayla and found it loving and informative.. and I watch the news .. I dont follow the gossip blogs.. That can all go away in my book .. They do not deserve airtime .. Ayla deserves love peace and Justice ..
ReplyDeleteLies if that's all you've got you might as well hang it up now.
ReplyDeleteGreat idea to boycott! I love how everyone is coming together for Ayla and is refusing to support the garbage at the other blog. Thanks for the great plan.
ReplyDeleteAt this point, it's the logical thing to do when deal with that kind of scum sucker...or scum suckersssss ;)
DeleteOh right nothing illegal except the deleted posts right? You are so lame.
ReplyDeleteLove the blog post!!!
ReplyDeleteLove it, love it, kiss and hug it!
Bye bye Lies!
You are done.
PS: Love the pics too. LOL!
Not shutting down but not posting comments. That works. Not even the dips have anything nice to say.
ReplyDeleteI vow to never feed the troll again. I admit I've gone there before and gotton so pissed off over what was posted I fired an angry post or two right back. Gave JSTL a piece of my mind and it felt so good! For Ayla and Trista though I will do anything.<3
ReplyDeleteBig threats but still no comments? I guess you don't have time with the holiday to moderate and create your own supporters. You suck lies.
ReplyDeleteI search every day to see if I can find any new information on Ayla. The only time I was on that site I just saw something that looked new in my search results about text messages and found the WORST BLOG EVER! I was so disgusted by whoever (or whatever) this thing is writting the blog. I will never go to that site again. I will stuck with the wonderful sweet caring people that run several amazing FB pages and blogs that give us all the encouragement every day to keep looking for Maine's lost Angel!!
ReplyDeleteThe bullshit that's come out of that site is more see thru than ever before...
DeleteI feel like I have my very own puppet. Tired of dancing?
ReplyDeleteLies writes books to make money, is noted for playing both sides on differant forums, bashing each sides individually. Goes by the pen name Amelia noel Sobel. She does this with many missing childrens cases etc. If this blog has no traffic or for whatever reasons she may start a blog bashing Justin.
ReplyDeleteI should say that, SHE WILL, if she has not allready.
DeleteIf it is Amelia Sobel...I know all about that skanky twat...check this out
I'm not new to this little game of hers....let's start by saying that.
You do. It's hilarious.
ReplyDeleteI can't say it enough-I LOVE you girls!!!!! Lies is a joke and will be outed soon enough and then hopefully they will go away! From what I have been told, they took down the offending posts about me, I wonder why if what they are doing is so just? Where do you find these pictures? They are hilarious!! XOXOXO Oh and Happy Easter!!!
ReplyDeleteBetter watch it, talk about outing lies causes her to have a tourrettes type fit and threats of retaliating lawsuits
DeleteIt is amusing isn't it? I have seen it all before from him or her or whatever it is. They can attempt to sue me and if they win they won't get much except maybe the satisfaction of winning, you can' squeeze blood from a turnip. :)
DeleteLove this blog! Keep up the good work girls! I also saw they had deleted several entries, maybe thats because so many people like me reported them! They have no desire to find Ayla but rather to make anyone other than the Dips look like shit. All I can say is good luck with that :)
ReplyDeleteHow do I send you an e mail ?
ReplyDeleteWho are you looking to contact ?
DeleteYou Shannie.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteOkay thanks !
DeleteOh em gee! O think I know of Amelia Sobel, her involvement in the CA fiasco is notorious!
ReplyDeleteHer blog makes me sick. She doesn't care about Ayla at all. The only person she cares about is herself.
ReplyDeleteI read at J4A and really admire and appreciate Tori.
ReplyDeleteI also made the mistake of posting at Lies when she didn't have the approval button on one day.
Then aferwards most of it was deleted. It wasn't rude or nasty stuff, just aimed at Justin, the ususual kind of thing about why he doesn't speak.
I really believe that the Tudelas and the DiPiertos are also a part of that blog, either as posters or proxy admins. Because of the text messages.
I thought I would let you know that the owner of the JSTL blog lives in Kileen Texas and her IP is
ReplyDeleteThank God for shannie and boo. You're talking sense. JSTL is nothing but written masturbation. I checked it out twice and couldn't stand reading it because my bullshit detector was beeping too loudly.
ReplyDeleteI have posted more than 5 times recently with a question to Aunt Selena: Aunt Selena, would you care to tell us why you are spending so much time on this blog when your son Andrew has obvious problems. Problems to the point of having to brag on his Facebook page that he had to drink 2 gallons of water to pass a "piss" test for a job at Lowes? She wouldn't let it through a single time.