Everybody likes a little free publicity, am I right? |
Hey, Happy Memorial Day, Shit Talkers! Today for your amusement, we show you some Internet buffoonery at it's finest. Posters and readers here are great, they make us think with their comments and give us perspective and laughs depending on the posts....but like anywhere, there's always a dick in the crowd, am I right? Oh yeah, I am. And there's a few in this crowd from what we're seeing. A crowd of ass hurt lonely hearts and cyber sex starved hags that Boo and I abandoned months back when a site that goes by the acronym TCR, but which we lovingly refer to as Twats, Cunts and Retards, went under and joined the ranks of the undead. Yes, I'm talking about that Village Voice abortion known as True Crime Report, where a geriatric crew of lifeless losers spend their days, their nights, their vacations...well, pretty much every hour of every day of every month...you get the picture.
Look who came over to visit! |
We've had our share of the common Crime Site/Blog Thread Trolls, and not all trolls are created equal, it's like the Internet version of Glenda the Good Witch asking Internet Dorothy "Are you a Good Troll or a Bad Troll". Some trolls entertain and some cause shit, some do both, and some are paid no mind at all. Anyone familiar with the goings on of a certain psychotic blogger in Killeen, Texas knows exactly what I'm talking about. It's the fruitcake nuttiness of the unstable and lonely, so desperate for attention and some semblance of a social life, even if it's just a cyber one, that they shit disturb ad nauseum to get themselves the attention they crave. Well, we have a handful of those nutbags that couldn't stand that we've moved on and now they've come on over to bring the drama to us.....
A gathering of twats, but by far the most interesting among these three is little old Jasper, Indiana... |
Why is Jasper, Indiana so interesting you may be wondering...well, because our dear old troll who comes through this IP address, which I've blotted out some so as to not completely give away their information, this trolly holier than thou went to great lengths to hide there identity, but much like their conversations on TCR, it sucked ass. No, the attempt to block their ip to troll our site and then anonymously troll the zombie site no one cares to frequent, all in an attempt to stir up drama with your beloved Shit Talkers, didn't quite work. And below we give you the example of why it was so easily figured out, but oh, it gets even better...Be sure to compare the time the link to our blog was posted to good all Jasper. There's many many many more pages full of Jasper's activity, but we didn't want to overload one write-up with so much crap....
See how good old Jasper's numbers match up? |
The numbers match, but how do we know exactly who mysterious old Jasper is? Well, thank that great invention called email. And thank headers that have that information at the ready for you to check into at your whim. You might be wondering why would we email the very douche that's trolling us and dragging us into a reunion we don't really want to go to? Well, once upon a time, we were internet buds. We shot the shit and shared a common interest in true crime that then evolved into a sort of faux-friendship off of TCR. And then we were viciously stabbed in the back...but don't worry, we heal quick and no real damage was done...to us anyway. Our reputations as total assholes was still intact, but those that claimed they we're above the trollery, too good to lower themselves to drama and backstabbing, those idiots took to the net and preached their idiotic gospel, spread the holy fucking word on the evils of trolling and yet didn't practice what they preached. No, these poor fools fell far from the grace of Cyber Sainthood. They were hypocrites of epic proportions. Saunter on down to the next images to see the forsaken who took the internet's name in vain...

Looks like sainthood's not in the cards after all, 'cause I'm fairly certain they don't canonize assholes, although I hear the Vatican measures them. |
Now here you see the email headers for two different emails from the same person. One is to our very own BooKat, the other to our dear Nemesis, who gets a ridiculous amount of crap for other people's bullshit. Let's take a moment to inspect these two email headers, particularly the lines that are underlined in red. See anything? Why yes, those are ip addresses! And yes, those are the very same ip addresses in the screenshots up above! One being from good old Jasper and the other being from Phenix City. So what does this mean? It means Mother 2Cents is full of shit and played the role of innocent old Mama MyTwat while trolling between our site and their defunct and disgusting senior citizen orgy coven, something she insists she never does and never did in the past. You're caught My2, you too, Leah. All you miserable old bags thought you were fucking slick and got your asses busted because you weren't bright enough to pay attention to where you were trolling. We gave you a chance to fess up and come clean about the bullshit...you played dumb and refused. So consider this our giant
FUCK YOU to you and that piece of shit site you live on, fuck on and troll yourselves on. Oh, oh, yeah, there it is...non-orgasmic my sweet ass. We are Snickers satisfied, you miserable unfuckable cunts.
And there it is if you missed it in the above shot. |
Thank the Internet gods for such wonderful ways to protect your little corner of the interwebbins! We apologize to readers who may not follow what is happening here but there is a reason for this, one, it's got to do with history, and two, it's our blog and we can call out bullshit when we want. I mean, who wants to come read the shit we toss up here if the place isn't safe from Free Range Trolls. It's kinda entertaining if you ask me, and any questions you have, Boo or myself will gladly answer, thanks and have a great holiday....