Poor kitty sacrificed. |
I got clued in on some Church of Jesus Christ craziness by
Nemesis today and it comes right when I’ve been doing some thinking about
religion and atheism, but I’ll get to that further on down. It seems that Isaac
Wyler, an ex-member of the Fundamentalist Church of Latter Day Saints, was sent
a message for leaving the church in the form of a kitten incased in cement.
Yes, that’s right; a live kitten was put in cement and delivered to this man’s
backyard as a warning to Wyler not to run his mouth about the church. That is
the kind of crazy that almost outdoes the Church of Scientology, almost. The
kitten was basically chiseled out of the cement when it was rescued, but it
only survived a few days. The struggle and exhaustion of fighting to get out of
the hardened cement probably did a number on its little system. The poor,
innocent bystander kitty, it was just a pawn in a sick fuck game.

Now, do I think all Mormons are psychos? No. I don’t even
think all Scientologists are crazies, though what they believe in, if South
Park got it right, is some extremely weird ass shit. But, if we look at Christianity
from the point of view of someone who doesn’t believe, the Bible comes off as a
giant fairy tale. The Book of Mormon, again if we can believe South Park, came
about because Joseph Smith Jr. swore an angel name Maroni led him to some gold
plates that he then translated to print with the help of Martin Harris. If you’re
not a Mormon that comes down to “dude just made this shit up, but people
believed him anyway.” The same can be said about Scientology, that it was just
another L. Ron Hubbard science fiction tale that he turned into a profitable
faux-religion that many like to call a cult. Fuck knows, we have come across enough stories of religious
fanaticism and all out batshit craziness when it comes to people taking their
beliefs dangerously too serious. You have those nutcases, like those with the Westboro
Baptist Church, that swear gays are going to hell and God hates them. The sects
of Mormonism that believe God wants them to marry a dozen women and bang out
kids like it’s going out of style. These are just smaller groups within a
bigger religion and they may make headlines with the shit they pull, but they
don’t represent the entire religion. To say that they do, is like saying a gang
of thugs represents an entire race or a group of racist little dicked hicks
represents a whole country. They don’t, but people love to blast the shit out
of what they don't agree with, regardless of how stupid it makes them look and how fantastically
they show their ass out of pure ignorance.
Because it's funny |
Now that brings me to the clique of non-believers, the ones
that call themselves Atheists, that in their own way is a cult of their own. Not
all Atheists, but the group within a group of them that would openly mock and
belittle the beliefs of others simply because they themselves do not believe. The
bullshit of complaining that God is in the Pledge of Allegiance, that a school
has something Christian-related in its halls, that they're "trapped in the closet" because Christians are forcing their beliefs on them, that want the world changed and
for it to revolve around them and their non-beliefs, because it offends them.
It makes them no better than zealous groups of Anti-Everything, with the only notable
difference being that one groups believes in God, while the other one doesn’t.
You have both groups bitching about the other, saying the other side is wrong and oppressing them, spreading
their shit and getting the uninvolved bystanders caught in the middle of it. Again, a group doesn’t represent the majority, but if you’re looking
to hate, you’ll include them all in your anti-religion garbage and smear every
person in it, much like a certain blogger who will remain nameless. How is that
any better than being a racist or an anti-homolien asshat? The fact is it doesn’t.
It makes them the same as these other groups they claim to despise while practicing
the same hateful intolerance of others. It is all fine and well to not share
the beliefs of others, but should others be crapped on or innocent kitties
covered in concrete? You wouldn’t shit on someone’s King James’ Version of the
Bible or their shove their Darwin Fish up your rectum, right? So why shit on
their beliefs? And if you’re going to, you should probably expect to see your
own covered in crap too and just accept it with a shit eating grin.

When it comes to the Atheist VS Theists, I find myself more
of an Agnostic, so I guess I don’t have a dog in the fight, but I think if
you’re going to demand respect, you need to show others the same respect you’re
so “righteously” screaming about not getting. It’s that kind of ignorance that
causes the shit to hit the fan and do you really want to be called the Atheist
version of Fred Phelps? Unless we’ve sequestered ourselves away from the world
or people that don’t think or act the same or have the same values and beliefs,
being respectful of others is still a must. You’re bound to have someone in
your life that’s different and why would you go out of your way to belittle
what they believe in or hold dear? It’s like having a gay friend, but calling
other homosexuals candy asses and fags. It’s definitely something to think
about for those in the World Wide Web community and the real world outside of
I’m going to wrap this up with something for the uber
religious, too. I did some “searching” when I was younger, trying to figure out
my own beliefs, and I asked a woman I know who is a Christian about the whole
“God hates gays and they’re all going to hell” thing to get her take on it.
What she told me is something that always comes to mind when I see Westboro
shit hitting the news again. She said that in God’s eyes, sins are equal. So
that means men fucking men or abortion or stealing to feed your family or being
married and lusting after Jessica Biel are all equal sins in God’s view of
things. So while God loves all His children, we all fall short because we’re
pretty much all sinners until we’re “saved” through accepting Jesus Christ as
our Savior. So basically, that means everyone is screwed, not just gays. And
since Phelps and Co aren’t following that Commandment about loving thy
neighbor, according to their own beliefs, they’re going to hell too. That’s
comforting, right? Those Ten Commandments, man, they get everyone.

Great article.
ReplyDeletethis is crap
ReplyDeleteSo is your face.
DeleteCare to elaborate how this is crap?
DeleteNo, you are.
DeleteYes, hurting defenseless animals is crap. Good call, dumbass
Deleteyou guys are too sensitive
DeleteWhatever you say, Lynnwood...
DeleteI was wondering if you had a valid argument for a debate. I see that you don't.
DeleteSo this is how you guys treat someone that was invited out here? I make a comment on what happened in the article and I am immediately attacked. I'll let Shannie know, thanks but no thanks.
DeleteWell you can't just fly on in and drop a crap bomb without elaborating why you think it's crap, and not expect any crap thrown back at you. The lot of us are troll tired and possibly overly defensive. I was just hoping for a good debate in the comments. But since you don't care to back up your crap argument...oh well.
DeleteFirst, the only comment you made on the write-up was that it was crap. Then you were asked by readers and a contributor to explain why it's crap and followed up with "you guys are too sensitive". So now you're "attacked" and invoking Shannie to what, put everyone in line? Have at it, but being as you were the "invited guest" I don't think it's unreasonable to expect someone to elaborate as to why they consider something crap...and your own attitude is why the regulars here responded the way they did. You may have been invited to the blog, but let's look at it like this is someone's home. You came over and told your hostess what they served you tasted like shit, then when you got heat for it said everyone was being too sensitive about it. And now, in an overly sensitive move of your own, you're going to tattle on everyone to Shannie. Yeah, we're the sensitive ones.
Deletenever said I was "tattling" only telling Shannie thanks but no thanks-you guys have a not so good reputation out here and now I can see why.
DeleteThere are some amazingly heartless and soulless people out there, and to think they did this in gods name. What the hell kind of god wants someone to torture a helpless animal? I truly do hope there is a hell, and this person is set in concrete up to their neck over a fire for eternity. Unbelievable evil in the name of religion.
ReplyDeleteHmmm, I'm on the fence about this one. I suppose I am an atheist and it annoys me when people try to refer to it as a religion of its own. I was raised in a Catholic home. I was baptized, made my 1st communion, attended religion class. As I became an adult I came to the conclusion that there is no God. Its as out there as really believing in Santa. The only thing I practice now is living by common sense and morals. And not morals that I'm told I need to live by but morals I live by cuz its the right thing to do. I don't make fun of others and their religious practices. If you want to believe in God, Allah, The Flying Spaghetti Monster, ect than have at it. Its no sweat off my back. However, I do have a problem with 'one nation under God'. There should be no religion in schools. Not just because I don't believe but other children in the class might be Muslim, Jewish. Faiths are different and practice differently so why must they all be subjected to Christian, Catholic things? I think people should practice their own beliefs on their own time. I don't want my children subjected to what I see as propaganda. I do have a problem when elected officials are trying to pass off their religious beliefs as laws. Such as no abortion, birth control or gay marriage.
ReplyDeleteBasically, I find it extremely ironic that a country which was founded for religious freedom constantly takes shots at each other for their beliefs. When the founding fathers were putting it all together they set it up so the country would have a separation of church and state. These days it doesn't feel that way.
"Lighthouses are more helpful than churches." - Benjamin Franklin
I think Jews believe in God, just not Jesus...and it's one thing to be atheist, but then there's those ones that make a group of themselves and act like the super religious assholes they claim to hate, deriding someone else's beliefs and wanting them to change those beliefs or hide them away. That's no different than mocking and being hateful toward someone for their sexual orientation or race or what have you. Or demanding that gays not be queer or that women be submissive and stripped of their choices. The two are very similar in that respect.
DeleteI think you're right about Jews believing in God. I was thinking more about the xmas thing. I've heard a lot of people complain that its bullshit schools no longer celebrate xmas. I always think its bullshit for that person to assume the entire class practices their same beliefs. I don't want anyone to hide their religion from me. In fact I've been thinking of starting my own. Get people to give 10% of their pay to me. I'm thinking if it worked for Ron Hubbard, why the hell not?
ReplyDeleteAnd what the hell happened to Shannie? She have a run in with the long island hooker killer on one of her dentist by day hooker by nite excursions? Or did she elope with Enzo and she too busy double fisting him when she's not eating up all his pastries?
They don't celebrate Christmas in school anymore? Don't even non-Christ believers do Christmas, too? Santa's not God and that would kinda blow to take that holiday away from kids completely, not just from school, especially you have Jolly Santa as an alternative to Christ. Do Jehovah's Witnesses not do Christmas? I know they don't celebrate a lot of shit and ex-JW's call it a cult. There's plenty of shit I don't want to see celebrated, but if people want to, nothing anyone can do about it without looking like an asshole. Like I'm sick to fucking death of Cinco de Mayo in this town because it's an excuse for gang bangers to congregate and start shit.
DeleteIf you want to start your own religion, write some fiction, then base the religion on that, just like Hubbard. People seem to buy shit like that.Shannie has too much of a life right now...or is dealing with too much of the crap in her life right now? One of those. No Enzo, though. Fuck, no one's heard from Enz in months. Fucker gets a girlfriend and forgets about the people that fisted his father.
Okay, but still, where is Shannie?
DeleteNope, no xmas in schools. J.Witnesses don't celebrate anything at all. My bf has a Johovah coworker and can't stand her. At xmas time they always have a pot luck lunch to celebrate. The chick won't cook anything to bring in because she says they would be celebrating and against her beliefs. That never stops her fat ass from eating the food though..........