Justin Dipietro: The lies he tells are as obvious as the sores on his mouth. I think the lies are what's causing the outbreak. |
Since the day the story of Ayla Reynold's disappearance hit the news, more information about the families involved in this case has come to light and not much of it is flattering. There's drug and alcohol issues, welfare leeching, absentee parents, kids whose father's aren't even known, but if you ask a Justin Dipietro supporter, you would think it was only the Reynold's family that's flawed. For every new scandalous tidbit of info that comes out about Justin or Elisha or Phoebe Dip or Courtney Roberts, a groupie will drudge up the same old recycled "Well, Trista did this" garbage and pounce on anything that portrays her or her family in a negative light, while conveniently forgetting all the of The Dip and Co's past. For everything Trista or her family does, a groupie will question and judge and rip to shreds even the most humdrum incident or activity. "Trista had bacon and eggs for breakfast? That disgusting strung out skank. She's a shitty mom. How dare she eat, especially yummy bacon when her baby is 'missing', even though really she kidnapped her and has been hiding her for months." I don't know if any of the groupies have actually said this yet, but they are an irrational bunch of idiots, so if they haven't said it yet, they will.
Phoebe Dipietro: See how her mouth's open? That means a lie is about to come out. |
I see all over different sites covering Ayla's case that are Pro-Justin, the constant questioning of Trista and her family, but anything said by Justin and Co is just taken at face value, no questions asked. And when facts come out about Dip's fuckups, the defending begins, while dragging Trista through the mud, whether or not it's even relevant. Jessica's sister was arrested? Scandalous. Unfit to care for a child or have children around. Courtney's sister arrested? Oh, no, she's just making ends meet. Drugs all over the place is perfectly safe for toddler's who put anything they find in their mouth. Trista is a single mom? What a slutty ho bag, not even married and having kids. Justin, Courtney and Elisha all have kids out of wedlock? There's nothing wrong with that. Trista on welfare? White Trash Welfare Mom. Elisha on welfare? She's going to school to better herself, so what if it's at the tax payer's expense. Just a couple examples on how a groupie is blind to one side's flaws, but quick to jump on the other side's and point them out in long winded posts on the internet. That's true of supporters on both sides, I suppose, but there are none more vehement then the side rooting for the losing team.
There are just too many facts in this case that don't bode well for the Dipietro's, no matter how hard they and their groupies try to explain them away. They are caught in lie after lie and not just small misunderstandings, but glaring and blatant lies and omissions. The reason they aren't talking now? They know everything they say is being analyzed and put on the record and once they're charged and put on trial, there's no going back and correcting those mistakes they made when they spoke out. There's no contradicting something they put forth as fact when it's proven to be lie. Just a little more ass covering for a family that's made an Olympic sport out of it. And then you gotta ask yourself, if they're not guilty, nothing to hide, convinced Ayla's been kidnapped...why aren't they begging and pleading to the "kidnappers" to return her? Or if they think Trista took her, why aren't they screaming it from the rooftops instead of letting bullshit trickle out over the web through their anonymous comments and blogs? Because it's not true and even they don't believe it and they know that when everything comes to light, Trista will have them by the short and curlies and they'll face civil suits, not just criminal charges.
Courtney Roberts: When she isn't laughing at the mother of a missing child, she's lying through her teeth...or not talking at all. |
For every question thrown out by the Dipshit Groupies about Trista or her family, their is a logical and truthful answer. For the ones aimed and Justin and Co, there's an excuse, a lie and a tall tale. If Justin was keeping Ayla from Trista, why would he let her go to the doctor with him for Ayla's broken arm? Probably because Trista would have lost it if he didn't let her. Her baby has a broken arm and got it while with him, he's going to appease the mother to keep her from calling the cops and making it bigger than he wants it to be, meaning he doesn't want to get in trouble for breaking a baby's arm so he'll give Trista what she wants. Why did Justin wait until the next day to get Ayla the care she needed for the arm he broke? Because he wanted to wait and see, maybe it would get better over night and when it didn't and she was in pain, crying, he realized not taking her was going to cost him more than the questions and accusations when he finally did take her. He stalled for time thinking it would fix itself and when it didn't he knew he was fucked and had to take Ayla to the doctor or risk someone finding out later down the road that Ayla had suffered a broken arm and there was no record of it being cared for.
And that sets us up for why Ayla is now "missing". There's a history of neglect with Justin. Bruises and breaks and unbelievable excuses. Ayla got into a "fight" with another child in a nonexistent ball pit at Chuck E. Cheese and comes home to Trista bruised. That was a short visit where he had a short amount of time to concoct a story that was barely believable then proved to be a lie. So maybe when whatever it is that happened to Ayla happened, probably pushed or hit to hard by one of these shit containers she had the misfortune of being blood-related to, she gets hurt pretty badly. An injury far too serious to let go unattended, but also SO serious, people in this house are going to have some explaining to do and end up in deep shit. So, in the diseased mind of a Dipietro, the logical solution is to make Ayla "go away" so that there is no Ayla or evidence of what happened to her at their hands. There's a problem and that problem is a horribly hurt child whose injuries will get everyone into some serious trouble, so that "problem" has to disappear before anyone finds out about it.
Elisha Dipietro: The lies from this one are bigger than her double chin. |
Ayla wasn't seen by anyone outside of the Dip family and friends for a while, so we don't actually know when she really "went missing", so they had ample time to come up with a story, but the one they invented was worse than the ball pit fable Justin fed Trista. It also gave them ample time to dispose of Ayla and make sure she's not found, at least for a while. The best place to search would be somewhere that isn't logical, the last place you would think to look for a child you believe has been killed by her family and hidden. They fucked up the clean up of Ayla's blood, so it's likely they half-assed disposing of her, but were momentarily bright enough to hide her in a spot no one would think to look. See, when you think logically you come to logical conclusions, try it sometime, Groupies.
When someone so desperately tries to convince others of something that isn't true, they will repeat the lie over and over, but never show you how and why it is true.They will bludgeon you with the same words, the same lies, the same nastiness again and again, waiting for you to come around or until the proven truth shuts them up once and for all. Even after the truth comes out out, the dimmer ones will continue to insist that they aren't lying. And those are the ones you should feel sorry for because they are so convinced of their own make believe, they're living in a fool's paradise.
So what have we learned? No amount of shit disturbing can blind people to the facts. When something is unequivocally true, there's never a need to defend or explain it.
AWWWW a big fat ZERO comments. Dont quit your day job you slimy whores! Of course, we all know your only function in life is that of a cum dumpster anyway!
ReplyDeleteUnlike you and your vagina of a blog, we don't care who comments, we care who reads, and we care about the truth. Fuck off and don't come here, cause you're tearing up my eyes with the odor you emit. Do something about it, I don't know if it's your breath, your holes or just your nasty dog-roling-in-shit-like way of smelling but Holy Shit, you have to shut down the puter and shower that Too Big For The Shower mass you call a body....It should be warm enough for someone in your Trailer Park to hose you down. Thank them for me.
DeleteI totally agree. I love that you talk in a language even the dips can understand.
ReplyDeleteGreat writing, you are talented, and obviously have put your heart into it. Too bad you care more
ReplyDeletefor this precious little girl than the idiots who knew her. They'll be found out, but I doubt they'll ever feel bad, heartless maggots like these people can't be expected to care. They are just trying to distract us away from them, and it won't work with intelligent people. They will just go on to the next lie, because some people are born without conscience. Poor Ayla, that she ever had to associate with these losers. Keep up the updates, I look forward to reading the articles on this site because they are better written and more conscientious than other sites offer. You have heart. Thank you.
Thanks Luvs...we really appreciate the kind words and the support for AYLA. Hope all is well in your neck of the woods, miss ya from back in the yahoo days :)
DeleteAwesome job Boo! You guys do a great job, in plain english, that most people are actually thinking, but don't actually say!
ReplyDeleteIt's ok if you don't make up fake names and comment on your own blog.
The DiP's have messed up everything about this case. From the clean up, the 911 call that LE won't release, any interview they've ever done, EVERYTHING. It's only a matter of time until everyone see's how they've messed up hiding Ayla. It has only been dumb luck so far. Everyone will soon find out what these sicko's did to that precious baby! They probably put her somewhere so stupid, nobody has thought to look there yet.
Heya Kit :).. Like I have all the time in the world to be a Sweathog, typing like idiot, making up a gazillion names to defend a bunch of mentally challenged shitbags?
DeleteI will tell you one thing, all those DIps should just stay out of work if they think "crime scene clean up" is going to be their future career. Poor Ayla.
Let me ask you...Who do you think tried to clean up that baby's blood? Jdip, Pdip, Edip or Hyenafuckadip? Or a joint effort?
That's a tricky question. I could see baby Justin not wanting to do that messy job, probably like he probably never wanted to have to change Ayla's poopy diapers. You know that type of guy? He probably left "the girls" to clean up, while he and his bff got rid of Ayla's body. Mommy Heidi could have helped clean up too. She admitted to help clean AFTER LE made such a mess at phoebe's mansion...
Deleteomw Kit, that made me LOL. First time to this blog and I LOVE IT!!!!
DeleteThank you, come again. (In a Quiky mart accent)
DeleteHave you guys seen the BS "Ayla Bell Run" being planned by the Evil Spawn of Satan, Angela Harry?
ReplyDeleteThe info is on her public TLLOM website.
Yes, just found out about it. Disgusting.
DeleteNot only is it disgusting but they aren't saying where the money is going and they haven't even set up a non-profit organization for the event. The only way those scumbugs would ever see a penny from me is when I huck one at their heads.
DeleteLOVE LOVE LOVE your blog !!!
They really are trying to paint themselves pretty in the eyes of the public, aren't they? I think they fail to understand that the public is smarter than they think and can see right through them.
ReplyDeleteGreat post as usual! You both are really talented and apparently great minds think alike since I did a post on Double Standards, I wish I would have read yours first so I could link to it in mine, I think I will go in and edit it and add the link if you don't mind.
ReplyDeleteThe comments under the pictures made me laugh. You are very creative and love how you tell it like it is.
I couldn't agree with J4A more. I read the last entry you put out and couldn't stop laughing and nodding my head at the same time (which probably made me look pretty odd). I love how you say exactly what we all want to say, and exactly the way we'd like to. Seems like we can't say what we really want to most places for fear of the dreaded "Hand-Slappers" or the DIPsticks who come to Justin's rescue. Justin's tiara-clad firefighters! BARF. Nevermind a TTLOM being cult, what it is is an infection.. it's an isolated outbreak of DIPtheria! Thank goodness most of us are immune! Keep doing what you're doing Shannie and Boo! You're amazing!
ReplyDeleteExcellent post! When will the sock-puppets realize that you don't care if you have any comments? Seriously. Is that the best they got? LMAO.
ReplyDeleteAngela Harry and Heidi whatever the fuck her name is and everyone involved with TTLOM are morons and liars. They have no copyrights. They have no trademarks. They are not and nor will they ever be a 501(3)(c) not for profit corporation.
They are lying con artists. That is all. No one should support their alleged "run" or buy their crap. They'll probably use the money to buy weed for Justin, Lance & Derek.
I wonder if it true that Wonder Woman, Courtney Roberts, is planning her wedding on a blog online. Let's see...who else do we know who had a missing child and got married within a month of her "disappearance"? Oh, yeah, Ron Cummings and his supposedly dipsy-doodle druggie sweetie, Misty Croslin.
ReplyDeleteIf the Dipstick and CR are planning a wedding, will that send all of Justin's love slaves online into some sort of orgiastic CR bashing?
The Dips and their crew are the epitome of Epic Fail!
ReplyDeleteCould you put up the picture of Justin, from the driveway side by side to compare it to the Gieco caveman. I'm surprised he didn't blame the kidnapping on the caveman guy yet.
ReplyDeleteOMG...LOL, I thought JDipdick looked familiar? Thanks for the laugh, it was good and so true!
DeleteNew page for picture captions. Give it your best shot !
watch your mouth