What I imagine is the desktop background of a Justin Dip Groupie. |
Because I can think of no logical explanation as to why anyone in their right mind would defend Justin DiPietro or his morally corrupt family and friends, I have come to the conclusion that his groupies, including the Just Can't Stop The Nonsense douchetards of JSTL, are in love with him. After all, Just Stop The Lies is basically one big love letter to him, professing their undying devotion and adoration for him through the bashing of Trista Reynolds and the lackluster posting of Ayla's disappearance. It's like a huge cry for Justin's attention, trying to reach out to him and prove how hopelessly devoted they are with a half-assed blog that masquerades as wanting justice for Ayla, when really what the hard up for cock chick on the other side of the computer screen really wants is just a little bit of Justin's dick in her mouth.
Reading the things said in comments about Trista Reynold's, you get the distinct vibe that the person posting is seething with jealousy and everything they spew through their keyboards is an irrational hatred and jealousy of a chick that had the misfortune of getting laid by this less than stellar Grizzly Adams knockoff. These groupies are so incensed that Trista got cocked by their crush that they stupidly lash out at her when the real issue at hand has nothing to do with her. She wasn't the one who lost Ayla on her watch, that beautiful girl of hers was happy and taken care of and accounted for with her mother. Are these DipShit Groupies so desperate for dick that they would throw a missing baby's mother under the bus to defend the manchild who has everything to do with that child's disappearance?
One example of what a dolled up Justin-ite looks like. |
Sure, you can hate Trista for her fuckups, but the mistakes of her past are forgivable. She isn't a monster, she's an imperfect human like the rest of us. And you know what else? She ackowledges this and owns it. She isn't hiding from it or anyone else and I have nothing but respect for someone who can own their missteps in life. She owns them. Despite whatever embarrassment or shame she has about what she's done wrong, where she has fucked up, she puts herself out there for the sake of Ayla. She weathers everything these sickos that support the Dips throw at her and doesn't lose sight of what matters, and that is bringing Ayla home.
Maybe this comes off as Pro-Trista Propaganda, but I actually could care less. You groupies need to be called out for your nasty little obsession with your boy toy, Justin. You need to face facts and realize that Justin isn't long for this free world and you won't be getting chance to taste his cock. You know, once he's in prison, enjoying anal poundage from a burly Bubba, you might actually stand a chance of him jerking off to your fatty boom batty or cracked out meth-head pics if you send him some fan mail. So, hey, maybe there is hope, but in the meantime, maybe you should keep your unhealthy infatuation with a probable child murderer under wraps and spare the rest of us the sickening love notes disguised as posts professing Justin's innocence.
Prime example of what a dick starved Justin Groupie would look like. Just think, Justin,that burger could be your dick. |
Who doesn't love Justin Dipshito? He's all types of awesome. #1 Uni-brow, so hot. #2 Loves his mommy #3 Lives in moms basement #4 He's the quiet type #4 He knows where to get life insurance on a whim #5 He almost knows how to drive a truck #6 He's jobless, so he's always hanging around to fall on a baby or lose one....#8 He's gonna be in prison so he will be completely faithful...oh wait, well with vagina love I mean...he won't be able to escape the balling and cocking gaggin' good times that's coming his way.
ReplyDeleteI only have 8 reasons to love Justin( lol he prob can't count past 4 anyway), but I will have a few more when him and his infection of a family get hauled into the cop shop with handcuffs for the murder of Ayla.
Seeking Truth Twatty JSTL..she's his main cheerleader though...and I'm sure her pom poms are getting heavy these days.
Who is behind JSTL... could it be Courtney Roberts?
DeleteYou have any guesses? I'd sooo love to here them.
DeleteHas she been found?Is there proof he has her?
DeleteIf he has her I am going to get her back
If she is dead.I wish the best of luck and hope to your family accept to him he is such a dickhead and will burn in hell.
Ewwwwww, how could you stand putting all those hearts and kisses on that Dip's picture?? That was a great blog though! I can only imagine what those groupies look like sitting at their computer! Well there's 1 for sure, maybe 2 or 3 all together. I really don't think there's more than that.
ReplyDeleteShannie, your comment was great too! Lol! I do have to say though, what happened to #7? I mean, we know JD won't notice, but I did... ;)
I love #5. I really laughed out loud.
LOL..oh snap...#7 should be before ..and lose one...I was all starry eyed and swooning over Dipfucker that I lost it...It happens to me all the time when I think of him...*gag
DeleteI died a little inside with each sticker I had to clip to that picture. But the other too made my insides lol and feel better. Really grosses me out though that the Liar from JSTL is probably rubbing one out to that picture as we speak though.
ReplyDeleteTwo, not too. Fucking A.
DeleteJustin is a faggot who killed his daughter. I pray he gets brutally raped in prison.
ReplyDeleteThere's the spirit.
Deletefucking love it!! it's about time someday says it!! hahaha. me too! me too!!
DeleteYou guy's really gave me a laugh i'm glad that I'm not the only one that see's the supporters as I do I bet Heidi is addicted to the cock that's why she sticks up for him. he's been doing her "favors" since he was a boy! She really trained him well!
ReplyDeleteI had the same thought about Heidi and Justin after his (scratch that! HER) interview with MS a few weeks back. It was telling that her husband didn't have much to say on the matter but she is a die-hard Dipshit fan.
DeleteShe's sucking that cock.
I think you're both right on the money...But I have some issues with people who are saying the are supporters of Ayla, and yet I find log winded posts in favor of Justin and defending his life insurance purchase on baby he just met...And I'm looking at you, Ash Bash.
DeleteWhere's that super asshole Seeking Truth? What did she take the night off to give her Justin blowup doll a waxing?
ReplyDeleteAnother great read...I can only assume the women that flock around him are flawed from some mental health issue from childhood. It's fuckin' bizarre-O to be (legally considered)a grown man and having women speak for you.
ReplyDeletePS I know Politically Correctness is not your aim, but the (only) one thing that bothers me is the "r" word (retarded) and versions of it, because I know some parents of children who suffer from mental retardation and it's hurts me to see it. In fact, most people with retardation are good, kindhearted people, and actually better than those your say it about. Plus, you guys are so freakin' creative, I bet you can come up with something way better and more fitting to describe the scum-sucking leaches you write about : )
After ALL that whoring on my blog, you two got 9 comments and 4 of them were from you all.
ReplyDeleteThat's laughable. Tweedledee and Tweedledum, no one gives a fuck what you have to say. It's okay though, there's nothing wrong with being Obscure. LMAO
Get over it, JSTL this, JSTL that. I'd say you're on MY nuts a little bit more than I'm "on Justin's".
This blog is trailer park quality written by white trash. I give you an A for effort, and a -F for your actual work.
Blogging may not be your calling...stop trying so hard!
Since you need/want it, I'll give you my stamp of approval:
I'm Obscure, and I approve this piece of shit blog. Carry on.
Holy shit, I should have known something was afoot when it started sticking like cheesy crotch rot. Again with the whoring? You wanna call people prosties, yet you pillage Justice For Ayla's posts for your material, so that makes you not only a unoriginal colon cleanse, but a plagiarist. I can't give you credit for word twisting since without Justice's blog to rip shit from, you'd have nothing. And I'd consider being offended about the white trash jab if I were white, but thanks for trying. Hey, at least now you've outted yourself as a racist as well as a liar. I'm amazed you find the time the crash my thread when your fingers are so busy diddly the doughy porthole you call your vagina while watching homemade Justin Dip montages and posting comments all over your own blog. Must be exhausting making up all those phony identities and trying your damnedest to find your clit in that porky cunt of yours. I get you got your feelings hurt, otherwise you wouldn't be here to bitch and moan, but how about you go shove hamfist of yours somewhere yeasty and hit bricks.
Deleteobscure- I have a few questions for you. I assume you run "just stop the lies" or what ever that bullshit is called. I ran across it reading about this poor missing girl because I know Justin and his daughter. In Ayla's case "knew". My first question is, how far did you go in school? By reading your website I would bet that you took the GED route. Second question is, what is your connection to this scumbag Justin? Third is, and I assume you already know this since you are obsessed with him, but does he regret sucking cock for drugs? And don't tell me it isn't true. You know the story. Write about it bitch.
DeleteYou dummy...why do you think this is some kind of competition, you freak? There's a dead baby and you're fucking yappin' your fat piehole about the amount of comments we have on our blog, which I could give two fucking shits about. You're so silly thinking you have some intellectual blog going on when half your fucking comments are you and your imaginary friends....you're deranged baby murderer obsessed brain seriously has not one original thought, or even makes any rational ideas when it comes to the common sense of what happened with Ayla...you're blinded by retardation, and all your moves are just plain assholery. Fuck you and I'll link my fucking blog to whatever the fuck I want, twat..block me if you don't like it, you Obtuse Obscure Octagon shaped Octo-twat...Dick.
DeleteSince this never-been-cocked twat is so obsessed with comment count, it's become abundantly clear that her sole reason for her disgrace of a blog is to feel like she matters and proves she has absolutely zero interest in Ayla being found. Completely self-obsessed and dick starved dipshit.
DeleteIf you have so many issues with this - why do you come here? You appear to be the one looking for approval. Did your Daddy ignore and lead you on the road to becoming a stripper and later a $5 a blow job skank?
DeleteSorry to any strippers out there I insulted by putting you in the same boat with this dumb ass.
Who is this obscure person? Their blog is so obscure I can't even find it. Hmmm...must suck so bad that Google won't pick it up. But when I did Google it the Talkin shit blog with Boo and Shannie was the number 1 numero uno site on top of the google list with this little thread.
ReplyDeleteBtw Boo, I always thought you and Shannie gave it away for free. That makes you more of a slut doesn't it?
Love u 2 bitches!!
So Peaches sucked cock for drugs??? OMFG that is so, uh, um,.....him.
DeletePeaches! Yes!!!! From what I remember dude(s) he blew called it "Peaches & Cream"!!!!!!
DeleteI'm late in the game. Who the fuck is Peaches?
DeleteThe cock gobbling child murderer this thread is about...
Deleteso...Justin really sucked a dick for drugs? Is he a big druggie? Come on people who know this dirty shit, fill the rest of us in! Poor Ayla, she never had a chance. :( Poor baby girl!! P.S whoever was looking for a link to obscure's shit for blog...it's
Another great post as usual! You guys rock!!!
ReplyDeleteSo since JDip is sucking guys off for a fix, that means Cuntney is slurping another dude's dick whenever they kiss...not that she would mind, 'cause she looks like the type who's made the rounds through a lot of dick. It must really piss her off though knowing Trista had him and it's gotta be unnerving to have a boyfriend who can suck dick better than you. Watch for the limp wrist, Cuntney you cackling jackal.
ReplyDeleteYou guys are great, very good writers and right on the ball. People like obscure are just jealous, ignorant losers. How anyone can defend a baby killer is beyond me.
ReplyDeleteexactly!! whoever defends a baby killer is equally as guilty! I look forward to the day LE closes this case and puts them away forever. If Ayla is gone she is safe and happy in heaven. But for those who had a hand in this or covered it up, your punishment awaits you in the after life. I don't even wanna know what the punishment is for that. Because I'm sure it is scary. Fess up and make this shit right before it's too late!!
Deleteobscure is a filthy dirty pig, in case you didn't know that already. Why is she whoring over here, then delete's Shannie and Boo's comments on her filthy blog? You should see what that pig did today, if you can follow the comments.
ReplyDeletelol STILL only 25 comments, a majority from you two...smh give it up.
ReplyDeleteWhat a total loser you are. You claim this blog is shit yet you're always chiming in on it and commenting on it. Not only is your blog pure donkey dung, it's horribly written and once this sorry excuse for a father is behind bars, you;ll be the one looking stupid with your blog dedicated to him. You spend an unhealthy amount of time online writing hateful lies about people you say you don't even know. That kind of sickness and need for attention is really pathetic. You need professional help. What you're doing is not sane or rational. It's psychotic and desperate. And you claim to be married and to have children supposedly? Someone should report you because the amount of time you're online is trackable, you can tell by all your posts and comments just how much time you're online and if you're spending this much time here, your spouse and children are being grossly neglected while you play internet games and post disgusting and harrassing comments all over the web. What a loathesome and vile creature you are and I sincerely hope the people you know and love in the real world catch wind of you sick and twisted online activities and see what kind of horrible and soulless monster you are. I can't imagine they'd want anything to do with you after seeing what you've been up to.
DeleteAnd I thought I spent too much time dicking around on the interwebbins...sheesh. Talk about obsession.
DeleteReally, I think it great when the writer of the article converses with the commenters.
DeleteWhat's wrong, no one wants to talk to you? Guess maybe you're too obscure.
Heya Luvsy...Obscure is just worried about what it's gonna do when all the Dips get charged with murder and conspiracy.
DeleteI have NEVER laughed so hard! That "I LOVE JUSTIN" desktop screensaver is nothing short of brilliant, as is the content of this blog.
ReplyDeleteYAYYYYY! Added 6 comments, you trailer park bloggers really know how to bring it! Game on? errr..not really...
ReplyDeleteMy children are not missing, and unlike Trista, I do HAVE a spouse to help out. No shuffling my kids between houses because I'm not an alcoholic, drug addicted, unfit mother. Not on state aid, and luckily my profession allows time for "dicking around on the interwebbins." As you low lifes would say "BITCH, I got plenty money, hayyyyyyy!"
If you have to shout it out, it ain't true for you, shitbag. Sorry, no one believes you. Meh..try again.
DeleteObscure's statements are deceptive.
ReplyDeleteYou guys need to do a Phoebe post. All creepy pictures included.
Can you go over Ayla's broken arm? I don't think it's,been discussed enough. I know obscure LOVES talking about Ayla's broken arm! I guess it bothers obscure so much because it's so obvious that it was not an accident.
Guess someone hit a nerve calling out the Liars spousal and child neglect since she felt the need to come back and try to convince us she's not a loser. Her husband probably doesn't care about Justin Dip Obsession, 'cause the more that big gal's clam diving herself, the less his dick has to venture into that overgrown deathtrap of a vagina. Just from the last comment she left, it's obvious she is trashing Trista to make herself feel better, why else bring up what she considers to be Trista's "failures" and then compare her own life to Trista's. The reality is, Liar's life is probably no better because she only pointed out that she HAS a spouse (don't know why she capitalized "have" like she really needed us to know that) and that her kids aren't "shuffled", that she's not on state aid and has a "profession" not necessarily a job or career. Her job is full time Justin Obsessing and Defending, her career is douchebag. Liar is comparing herself to someone she see's as beneath her because if she compared herself to anyone else, she wouldn't cut it. Then add in the trailer park and white trash shit she throws around as insults...probably insults that are usually directed at her. No where in her comment does she say her husband is well taken care of or that her kids want for nothing, only that she has a spouse, which Trista doesn't (not sure why being a single parent is something. To look down on) and that her kids aren't "shuffled." So them being neglected in favor of her internet time is more than likely true and with her comment she's shown us she's sensitive about it because IF she HAS a spouse, he is probably wondering why she prefers running a blog dedicated to another man instead of spending time with him and their kids. Nailed it.
ReplyDelete#Cleveland Steamer
It's obvious the page owner at JSTL personally knows Justin and may even be criminally involved. It's also obvious that(S)he's koo-koo for JDipdick and is seriously imbalanced! Justice will be served, they won't get away with what they did. None of them will!
ReplyDeleteI hope that it's soon. Ayla's mommy and family deserve peace so they can lay their little angel to rest.
The Hungry for Justin Lies isn't fooling anyone. The amount of time she spends obsessing about Justin and baggin' on Trista, you kinda gotta feel sorry for her. That leaves zero time for a life, let alone a normal one. I heard she has a dildo shaped to look just like Justin with a detachable bush beard so she can feel like she's gettin' some Retro 70's cock, but with Justin face all up her snatch. It's the little things, I tell ya.
DeleteYou guys are sick.. I should come here more often..
ReplyDeleteThis is beautiful, so beautifully written and what is on so many minds. Ha ha ha ha ha...
DeleteLMFAO, Shannie and Boo!!
ReplyDeleteThanks guys, I laughed right through ALL the wretching and gagging your photo montage induced. Seriously??
One of you sickos had to photoshop all those smooches & such all over that neanderthal's mug!?!?
(What I want to know...is WHO DREW THE SHORT STRAW on that horrid task??)
I laughed so hard, that I cried! Too funny! I hope your blog keeps Obscure up at night; she is totally bothered by it. To me it seems like Selena Johnson, is Obscure. I could be wrong though…
ReplyDeleteWhoever they maybe, needs to get a job or a life…possibly both.